FAQ 's (Click Qestion to view Answer)
  • Q: What are benefits for Buyers and Suppliers in the sourcing process ?
    A: Benefits are listed below.
    For Buyers: For Suppliers:
    A strategic e-sourcing tool with access to qualified suppliers .
    Source suppliers from any place worldwide (Including LCC options) .
    Get a supplier assessment report suiting your needs .
    Get online quotations/conduct forward / reverse auction .
    Simple & Fast .
    Streamline your sourcing activities .
    No registration fee, no activation fee and no charges for
    participating in RFQs .
    Confidentiality maintained .
    Participate in as many RFQs as you want .
    Reach many customers on one platform .
    Regular Supplier Training programs .
    Fair and transparent business activity .
  • Q: What is Pcura's role in the sourcing process ?
    A: Typically, we design and manage the sourcing process on behalf of our clients, both in terms of looking inwardly at an organization to ensure they are addressing their business needs effectively and also outwardly to the supplier community. We identify potential suppliers, work with stakeholders and help them choose the best suppliers for their business. We manage the interaction with suppliers throughout the sourcing process, such as requests for information or running a tender. We evaluate supplier proposals, undertake negotiations and develop a recommendation or a series of options for the client. Often we will also manage the relationship with the supplier after the contract has been awarded.
  • Q: Do you take a commission from suppliers ?
    A: No - never. 100% of our income comes from our clients. This approach means our advice is unbiased and ensures transparency for all parties .
  • Q: Are suppliers paid by Pcura or by clients ?
    A: Suppliers are paid directly by our clients. Likewise, although we will often be involved in negotiating commercial arrangements, terms and conditions, service level agreements and so on, the final contract will be between supplier and the client .
  • Q: Do you have a preferred supplier list ?
    A: No. We have many well-established relationships with suppliers but we do not operate a preferred supplier list. We work with whichever suppliers who deliver maximum value to our clients.We know that client-supplier ‘fit’ is crucial. We often find that even if a supplier is not suited to one client, they can develop a very successful working relationship with another. So we approach each client engagement, and each supplier, with a completely open mind.
  • Q: Are you just looking for price reductions ?
    A: Our clients expect competitive prices and sometimes our role is to negotiate prices with suppliers, but we do understand that delivering truly excellent solutions to our clients often means taking a much broader view than price alone. Our aim is to add value to a client’s business overall, and the service offered by suppliers is a key element in that. This is where we can add real value to both parties, so that clients and suppliers benefit from a continued relationship with us. As procurement experts, we work alongside suppliers and clients to bring new developments, innovations and improved processes direct to clients.
  • Q: How do you decide which suppliers to work with ?
     A: We work with whichever suppliers can deliver the best solutions to address the specific requirements of our clients. However, we receive a large number of unsolicited approaches from potential suppliers and we filter them initially on financial stability and reputation, for example relevant industry accreditations etc.
  • Q: Which sectors do Pcura specialize in ?
    A: All organizations have complex procurement needs. As a result, we work across all sectors.
    However, each sector faces different challenges and regulatory pressures, which impacts the service that procurement needs to provide to the business. We understand these differences and we are flexible in our approach to suit each sector .
  • Q: Who is eligible for eAuction ?
    A: In order to participate in an auction, you would
    · Need to be registered member of the auction so that we can send you user name and password .
    · You will need to log into our specified portal to participate in the auction .
    · Every auction will have its own supplier qualification criteria .
  • Q: How can an eAuction benefit if I have negotiated good price ?
    A: Usually the reverse Auction is conducted with starting price as the least quoted price derived from qualified vendors under RFQ process. This helps in getting the best price from the vendors. Even a single digit of percentage of savings over the best quote will be of great value when the buying volumes are high .
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